Understand Suicide Spotify Podcast episode link to part 1
Understand Suicide Spotify Podcast episode link to part 2
Jill Johnson-Young knows grief profoundly and from many perspectives. She was widowed twice before the age of fifty; as a medical social worker, she has worked with dying patients; she has run grief support groups; she has created the Your Path Through Grief program, and she is married to a funeral director.
In this insightful interview, Jill focuses talks about Dr. Kübler-Ross’s popularized ‘phases of grief,’ the need to address emotions after the loss of a loved one, the differences between depression and grief, and her experience with the dying and their families.
She also talks about the peculiarities of suicide grief and the impact of COVID-19 on bereavement. Jill believes that the pandemic has been creating layers of trauma in many of us, particularly for those who lost loved ones: “All of the traditional ways of saying good-bye have been removed by this virus…It has made losses so much bigger.. it’s causing families to not know what happened,” she says. More information about Jill: https://yourpaththroughgrief.com/ or https://jilljohnsonyoung.com/